Wednesday, April 9, 2014

College Applications!!


Hey, guys, once again. I am on here to tell you that at one time I was doing some college applications for online colleges. I could never figure out which one was right for me. I'm still trying to decide if I want to try to find some free courses online or look for a virtual Bartending class online or maybe look for something else. Post your ideas and I will see if any sound good. I'm really looking forward to seeing what you all think. Bye.

Hey Everybody!!

I ate this amazing food the other night. You wouldn't believe how great it was. It was insane. First of all, it was a little bit on the gooey side which droadened my horizons about it, then there was this utter beauty about it like it was made my Thor's personal Chefs. You know? It was so good. And I owe to my good friend Wendell Faye, who made this like meaty, cheesy goodness dip for our Bible Study the other night. It was awesome. And it's too bad that he doesn't read my blog. I'm sure he'd have some fun with that.